Investment Insights May 2018
The first quarter of 2018 saw the stampeding bull market of recent years run right into the china shop, twice. After a positive start in January, long simmering fears of inflation and rising interest rates boiled over in February with most major share markets experiencing strong sell-offs. In March, investors were further spooked by the potential implications of trade tariffs announced first by the US, and then China.
Watch a short interview with Russell Garrett, Head of Institutional Wealth, and Chris Di Leva, Senior Investment Consultant talking about the three “T’s” impacting the markets, importance of diversification and what asset classes are performing well despite the recent market volatility.
This quarter we also have a special feature on investment fees and returns. Hear about what you need to consider when choosing the right investment fund for your circumstances and risk profile.
Mercer’s team of experts based in 40 countries around the globe, including New Zealand, monitor global and local events and bring you the latest updates.
We also produce an investment report each month covering the Mercer KiwiSaver scheme, Mercer Super Trust and Mercer FlexiSaver, which includes returns for each of the seven funds. You can read the report here.